This is my personal web page on the practice of Wicca. It has many facets, just like I do. You are welcome to visit, explore and enjoy. I'm a very friendly person, so I hope you'll feel at home. Please select one of the links below.
A Very Wiccan Witch- This page is all about me as a Witch. Unlike most stereotypes would lead you to believe I do not worship devils. Instead, I strive to work with nature.
The Issue Of Belief- For those who would like to know what Wicca is and where it comes from, if we don't worship devils. This page has history and basic rules we live by.
Copywrite- Please read this!
My Online Book Of Shadows- Here is where I keep the knowledge and magick that I, as a Witch, use.
A Mailing List- This is the new mailing list I created for the sharing of information and Kitchen Witchery. Please join!
Wiccan Refrences- This is a page with a few Wiccan 'classics'.
Links- No webpage would be complete without links. Here are my favorites. Some are Wiccan and some are not.
Guestbook- Sign my guestbook and tell me what you think of my site!
Music- Find all sorts of music.
Thank you for visiting!
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